132 Min Li*, Jie Yang, Fang-Xiang Wu, Yi Pan and Jianxin Wang*. DyNetViewer: a Cytoscape app for dynamic network construction, analysis and visualization. Bioinformatics. Accepted
131 Lin Wu, Min Li, Jianxin Wang, and Fang-Xiang Wu. CytoCtrlAnalyser: a Cytoscape app for biomolecular network controllability analysis. Bioinformatics, 2017. doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx764
130 Min Li*, Xiangmao Meng, Ruiqing Zheng, Fang-Xiang Wu, Yaohang Li, Yi Pan, Jianxin Wang. Identification of protein complexes by using a spatial and temporal active protein interaction network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2017.2749571
129 Min Li*, Ruiqing Zheng, Yaohang Li, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Jianxin Wang*. MGT-SM: A Method for Constructing Cellular Signal Transduction Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2017.2705143
128 Min Li*, Peng Ni, Xiaopei Chen, Jianxin Wang, and Yi Pan. Construction of refined protein interaction network for predicting essential proteins. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2017.2665482
127 Jin Liu, Min Li, Wei Lan, Fangxiang Wu, Yi Pan, Jianxin Wang*. Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Whole Brain Hierarchical Network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2016.2635144
126 Wei Lan, Jianxin Wang, Min Li, Jin Liu, Fangxiang Wu, Yi Pan. Predicting microRNA-disease associations based on improved microRNA and disease similarities". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. DOI:10.1109/TCBB.2016.2586190
125 Min Li*, Dongyan Li, Yu Tang, FangXiang Wu, and Jianxin Wang. CytoCluster: a cytoscape plugin for cluster analysis and visualization of biological networks. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18, 1880.
124 Min Li*, Zhongxiang Liao, Yiming He, Jianxin Wang, Junwei Luo, and Yi Pan. ISEA: iterative seed-extension algorithm for de novo assembly using paired-end information and insert size distribution. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017,14(4):916-925.
123 Min Li, Ping Huang, Xiaodong Yan, Lingchen Zhao, Jianxin Wang, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Yi Pan. VAliBS: a visual aligner for bisulfite sequences. BMC Bioinformatics 2017 18(Suppl 12):410.
122 Min Li, Binbin Wu, XiaodongYan, Fang-Xiang Wu, Yi Pan, Jianxin Wang*. PECC: correcting contigs based on paired-end read distribution. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2017, 69:178-184.
121 Min Li, Yu Lu, Zhibei Niu, Fangxiang Wu. United complex centrality for identification of essential proteins from PPI networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017, 14(2): 370-380.
120 Wei Peng, Min Li*, Lu Chen, and Lusheng Wang. Predicting protein functions by using unbalanced random walk algorithm on three biological networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017, 14(2):360-369.
119 Wei Lan, Min Li, Kaijie Zhao, Jin Liu, Fangxiang Wu, Yi Pan, Jianxin Wang*. LDAP: a web server for lncRNA-disease association prediction. Bioinformatics, 2017, 33(3): 458-460.
118 Junwei Luo, Jianxin Wang, Zhen Zhang, Min Li, Fang-Xiang Wu and Yi Pan. BOSS: a novel scaffolding algorithm based on optimized scaffold graph. Bioinformatics, 2017, 33(2):169-176.
117 Jianxin Wang, Yi Pan. Guest Editors Introduction to the Special Section on ISBRA 2014, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017, 14(2): 314-315
116 Jin Liu, Min Li, Yi Pan, Fangxiang Wu, Xiaogang Chen, Jianxin Wang*.Classification of Schizophrenia Based on Individual Hierarchical Brain Networks Constructed From Structural MRI Images. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2017, 16(7): 600-608.
115 Jin Liu, Min Li, Yi Pan, Wei Lan, Ruiqing Zheng, Fang-Xiang Wu and Jianxin Wang. Complex Brain Network Analysis and Its Applications to Brain Disorders: A Survey. Complexity. Volume 2017, Article ID 8362741, 27 pages
114 Lin Wu, Lingkai Tang, Min Li, Jianxin Wang, and Fang-Xiang Wu. Biomolecular Network Controllability With Drug Binding Information. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience. 2017, 16(5): 326-332.
113 Peng Ni, Min Li, Ping Zhong, Guihua Duan, Yaohang Li, Jianxin Wang, FangXiang Wu. Relating Diseases Based on Disease Module Theory. ISBRA2017.
112 Wessam Elhefnawy, Min Li, Jianxin Wang, Yaohang Li. Construction of Protein Backbone Fragments Libraries on Large Protein Sets using a Randomized Spectral Clustering Algorithm. ISBRA2017.
111 Min Li, Li Tang, Zhongxiang Liao, Junwei Luo, FangXiang Wu, Yi Pan, and Jianxin Wang. LSLS: a novel scaffolding method based on path extension. ICIC 2017, Part II, LNCS 10362, pp. 1-11, 2017.
110 Binbin Wu, Jianxin Wang, Junwei Luo, Min Li, Fangxiang Wu, and Yi Pan. MEC: Misassembly Error Correction in contigs using a combination of paired-end reads and GC-contents. BIBM2017
109 Liangliang Liu, Jianxin Wang, Min Li, FangXiang Wu, HongDong Li, Ying Yu, and Zhihui Fei. An Interpretable Model for Predicting Side Effects of Analgesics for Osteoarthritis. BIBM2017
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93 Peng W, Wang J, Zhao B, et al. Identification of protein complexes using weighted PageRank-Nibble algorithm and core-attachment structure[J].IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015, 12(1): 179-192.
92 Tang Y, Li M, Wang J, et al. CytoNCA: A cytoscape plugin for centrality analysis and evaluation of protein interaction networks[J]. BioSystems, 2015, 127: 67-72.
91 Min Li, Ruiqing Zheng, Qi Li, Fangxiang Wu, Zhuohua Zhang. Prioritizing Disease Genes By Using Search Engine Algorithm. Current Bioinformatics,2015. Accepted.
90 Chen B, Li M, Wang J, et al. A fast and high performance multiple data integration algorithm for identifying human disease genes[J]. BMC medical genomics, 2015, 8(Suppl 3): S2.
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86 Peng W, Wang J, Cheng Y, et al. UDoNC: an algorithm for identifying essential proteins based on protein domains and protein-protein interaction networks[J]. , IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015, 12(2): 276-288.
85 Li M, Lu Y, Wang J, et al. A topology potential-based method for identifying essential proteins from PPI networks[J]. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on, 2015, 12(2): 372-383.
84 Junwei Luo, Jianxin Wang, Zhen Zhang, Fang-Xiang Wu, Min Li and Yi Pan. (2015). “EPGA: de novo assembly using the distributions of reads and insert size”, Bioinformatics, 31(6), 825-833.
82 Zhen Zhang, Jianxin Wang, Junwei Luo, Xiaojun Ding, Jiancheng Zhong, Jun Wang, Fang-Xiang Wu and Yi Pan. (2015). Sprites: detection of deletions from low-coverage sequencing data by re-aligning split reads, GIW 2015, ToKyo.
81 Junwei Luo, Jianxin Wang, Weilong Li, Zhen Zhang, Fang-Xiang Wu, Min Li and Yi Pan. (2015). “EPGA2: memory-efficien de novo assembler”, Bioinformatics, 31(24), 3988-3990.
80 Xiaojun Ding; Min Li; HaiHua Gu; XiaoQing Peng; Zhen Zhang; Fangxiang Wu, "Detecting SNP Combinations Discriminating Human Populations From HapMap Data," in NanoBioscience, IEEE Transactions on , vol.14, no.2, pp.220-228, March 2015 doi: 10.1109/TNB.2015
79 Wei Peng, Jianxin Wang, Zhen Zhang and Fang-Xiang Wu, Applications of Random Walk Model on Biological Networks, Current Bioinformatics, 2015.
78 Wei Peng, Jianxin Wang, Fang-xiang Wu and Yi Pan Detecting conserved protein complexes using a dividing-and-matching algorithm and unequally lenient criteria for network comparison, Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 2015
76 Qianghua Xiao, Jianxing Wang, Xiaoqing Peng, Fangxiang Wu, Yi Pan. Identifying essential proteins from active PPI networks constructed with dynamic gene expression[J]. BMC Genomics,2015, 16(Suppl 3):S1.
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74 Xiaoqing Peng, Jianxin Wang, Jun Wang, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Yi Pan. "Rechecking the Centrality-Lethality Rule in the Scope of Protein Subcellular Localization Interaction Networks." PloS one 10, no. 6 (2015): e0130743.
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71 Bolin Chen, JianXin Wang, Min Li, and FangXiang Wu: Identifying disease causing genes by integrating multiple data sources, BMC Medical Genomics, 2014, 7(Suppl 2):S2
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65 Min Li, Jiayi Zhang, Qing Liu, Jianxin Wang, Fang-Xiang Wu. Prediction of disease-related genes based on weighted tissue-specific network by using DNA methylation. BMC Medical Genomics, 2014, 7(Suppl 2):S4. links
64 Min Li, Qi Li, Gamage Upeksha Ganegoda, Jianxin Wang, FangXiang Wu, and Yi Pan. Prioritization of orphan disease-causing genes using topological feature and GO similarity between proteins in interaction networks. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. Sci China Lif links
63 Min Li, Ruiqing Zheng, Hanhui Zhang, Jianxin Wang, and Yi Pan. Effective identification of essential proteins based on priori knowledge, network topology and gene expressions[J]. Methods, 2014,67(3):325-333. links
62 Min Li, Weijie Chen, Jianxin Wang, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Yi Pan. Identifying dynamic protein complexes based on gene expression profiles and PPI Networks. BioMed Research International Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 375262, 10 pages. links
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56 Xiwei Tang, Jianxin Wang, Min Li, Yiming He, and Yi Pan.A Novel Algorithm for Mining Protein Complex from the Weighted NetworkBioMed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 354539, 8 pages. links
55 Xuan Guo, Jianxin Wang, and Yi Pan. DIME: A Novel Framework for De Novo Metagenomic Sequence Assembly. Journal of Computational Biology. Accpted
52 Jianxin Wang, Xiaoqing Peng, Qianghua Xiao, Min Li and Yi Pan. An effective method for re ning predicted protein complexes based on protein activity and the mechanism of protein complex formation. BMC Systems Biology, 2013, 7:28 links
51 Jun Ren, Jianxin Wang, Min Li, Lusheng Wang. Identifying protein complexes based on density and modularity in Protein-Protein Interaction Network. BMC Systems Biology. 2013, 7(Suppl 4):S12 links
50 Min Li, Jianxin Wang, Huan Wang, and Yi Pan. Identification of Essential Proteins from Weighted Protein Interaction Networks. J Bioinform Comput Biol 11(3): 1341002, 2013. links
49 Min Li, Xuehong Wu, Yi Pan, and Jianxin Wang. hF-measure: a new measurement for evaluating clusters from protein interaction networks, PROTEOMICS, 2013, 13(2):291-300.
48 Murtada Khalafallah Elbashir, Yu Sheng, Jianxin Wang, Fangxiang Wu, Min Li. Predicting Beta-turns in Protein Using Kernel Logistic Regression. BioMed Research International. Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 870372, 9 pages. links
47 Qianghua Xiao, Jianxin Wang*, Xiaoqing Peng, Fangxiang Wu. Detecting protein complexes from active protein interaction networks constructed with dynamic gene expression profiles. Proteome Science, 2013, 11(Suppl 1): S20. links
46 Qingfeng Chen, Wei Lan, Jianxin Wang. Mining Featured Patterns of MiRNA Interaction Based on Sequence and Structure Similarity. 2013,10(2):415-422. links
45 Tang X, Feng Q, Wang J, et al. Clustering based on multiple biological information: approach for predicting protein complexes[J]. IET systems biology, 2013, 7(5): 223-230. links
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43 Wang J, Peng X, Li M, Pan Y. Construction and application of dynamic protein interaction network based on time course gene expression data[J]. Proteomics, 2013, 13(2): 301-312. links
42 Wenjun Lin, Jianxin Wang*, Wen-Jun Zhang, Fang-Xiang Wu, An unsupervised machine learning method for assessing quality of tandem mass spectra, BMC Proteome Science, 10 (Suppl 1), S12. links
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39 Jianxin Wang, Gang Chen, Binbin Liu, Min Li, Yi Pan, Identifying Protein Complexes from Interactome Based on Essential Proteins and Local Fitness Method, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2012, 11(4):324-335. links
38 Jianxin Wang, Jun Ren, Min Li, Fangxiang Wu. Identification of hierarchical and overlapping functional modules in PPI networks. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 2012, 11(4):386-393. links
37 Jianxin Wang, Min Li, Huan Wang, Yi Pan. Identification of essential proteins based on edge clustering coefficient[J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2012, 9(4): 1070-1080. links
36 Jianxin Wang, Yuannan Huang, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Yi Pan. Symmetry Compression Method for Discovering Network Motifs, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2012, 9(6):1776-1789. links
35 Li M, Wu X, Wang J, Pan Y. Towards the identification of protein complexes and functional modules by integrating PPI network and gene expression data[J]. BMC bioinformatics, 2012, 13(1): 109. links
34 Li-Ping Tian, Jianxin Wang, Fang-Xiang Wu. Robust and Global Delay-dependent Stability for Genetic Regulatory Networks with Parameter Uncertainties, IEEE Transaction on Nanobioscience, 2012, 11(3):251-258. links
33 M Li, H Zhang, J Wang, Y Pan. A new essential protein discovery method based on the integration of protein-protein interaction and gene expression data[J]. BMC systems biology, 2012, 6 (1): 15. links
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31 Bihai Zhao, Jianxin Wang*, Min Li, Fang-xiang Wu and Yi Pan, Detecting Protein Complex Based on Uncertain Graph Model. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. links
30 Jianxin Wang, Gang Chen, Min Li, Yi Pan. Integration of Breast Cancer Gene Signatures based on Graph Centrality. BMC Systems Biology 2011, 5(Suppl 3):S10 links
29 Jianxin Wang, Min Li, Jian'er Chen and Yi Pan. A fast hierarchical clustering algorithm for functional modules discovery in protein interaction networks[J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions onComputational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2011, 8(3): 607-620. links
28 Jun Ren, Jianxin Wang*, Min Li, Fangxiang Wu, Discovering essential proteins based on PPI network and protein complex. International Journal of DataMing and Bioinformatics, Accepted.
27 Min Li, Jianxin Wang, Xiang Chen, Huan Wang and Yi Pan. A local average connectivity-based method for identifying essential proteins from the network level. Computational Biology and Chemistry , 2011,35: 143-150 links
26 Wei Peng, Jianxin Wang*, Lu Chen, Jiancheng Zhong, Zhen Zhang and Yi Pan, Predicting protein functions by using unbalanced Bi-random walk algorithm on protein-protein interaction network and functional interrelationship network, Current Protein & Peptide links
25 Wooyoung Kim, Min Li, Jianxin Wang, Yi Pan. Biological Network Motif Detection and Evaluation. BMC Systems Biology 2011, 5(Suppl 3):S5 links
24 Xiwei Tang, Jianxin Wang, Binbin Liu, Min Li, Gang Chen, Yi Pan: A comparison of the functional modules identified from time course and static PPI network data. BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12:339 links
23 Jianxin Wang*, Binbin Liu, Min Li, Yi Pan. Identifying protein complexes from interaction networks based on clique percolation and distance restriction. BMC Genomics, 2010,11 (Suppl.2):S10. links
22 Jianxin Wang, Binbin Liu, Min Li and Yi Pan. Identifying protein complexes from interaction networks based on clique percolationand distance restraction. BMC Genomics, Volume 11, Suppl 2, S10, Nov. 2010 links
21 Jianxin Wang, Min Li, Youping Deng, Yi Pan. Recent advances in clustering methods for protein interaction networks[J]. BMC genomics, 2010, 11(Suppl 3): S10. links
20 Jun Ren, Jianxin Wang*, Jianer Chen, Min Li, Gang Chen. An Agglomerate Algorithm for Mining Overlapping and Hierarchical Functional Modules in Protein Interaction Networks. Proc. 6th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISB links
19 Min Li, Jianxin Wang, Jianer Chen, Zhao Cai, and Gang Chen. Identifying the Overlapping Complexes in Protein Interaction Networks. Int. J. DataMing and Bioinformatics, 2010, 4(1):91-108. links
18 Minzhu Xie, Jianxin Wang*, Jianer Chen, Jingli Wu and Xucong Liu. Computational Models and Algorithms for the Single Individual Haplotyping Problem, Current Bioinformatics, 5(1): 18-28, 2010. links
17 Jingli Wu, Jianxin Wang*, Jian'er Chen. A parthenogenetic algorithm for single individual SNP haplotyping. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22(3): 401-406, 2009. links
16 Jingli Wu, Jianxin Wang*, Jianer Chen. A Practical Algorithm for Multiplex PCR Primer Set Selection. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA), 5(1): 38-49, 2009. links
15 Min Li, Jianxin Wang*, Jianer Chen, Yi Pan. Hierarchical Organization of Functional Modules in Weighted Protein Interaction Networks Using Clustering Coefficient. Proc. 5th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2009), links
14 Jianxin Wang*, De Yang. UPNT: Uniform Projection and Neighbourhood Thresholding Method for Motif Discovery. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA), 4(1): 96-106, 2008. links
13 Jianxin Wang*, Zhao cai, Min li. An Improved Method Based on Maximal Clique for Predicting Interactions in Protein Interaction Networks. Proc. 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI2008), pp. 62-69, 2008. links
12 Jia-yang Peng, Lu-ming Yang, Jian-xin Wang, Zheng Liu, Ming Li: An Efficient Algorithm for Detecting Closed Frequent Subgraphs in Biological Networks. BMEI 2008:677-681 links
11 Jingli Wu, Jianxin Wang*, Jianer Chen. A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Optimal Result Set for Haplotyping a Single Individual. Proc. 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI2008), pp. 395-399, 2008. links
10 Min Li, Jian'er Chen, Jianxin Wang, Bin Hu, and Gang Chen. Modifying the DPClus algorithm for identifying protein complexes based on new topological structures[J]. BMC bioinformatics, 2008, 9(1): 398. links
9 Min Li, Jianxin Wang*, Jianer Chen. A Fast Agglomerate Algorithm for Mining Functional Modules in Protein Interaction Networks. Proc. 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI2008), pp.3-7, 2008. links
8 Min Li'Jianxin Wang*, Jianer Chen. A Graph-Theoretic Method for Mining Overlapping Functional Modules in Protein Interaction Networks. Proc. of Fourth International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA2008), pp. 208-219, 2008. links
7 Minzhu Xie, Jianer Chen, Jianxin Wang, Research on Parameterized Algorithms of the Individual Haplotyping Problem, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2007, 5(3): 785-816, Imperial College Press. links
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1 Minzhu Xie, Jianxin Wang, Wei Zhou, Jianer Chen, A Practical Parameterized Algorithm for Weighted Minimum Letter Flips Model of the Individual Haplotyping Problem, FAW2008, Changsha, China, June 19-21, 2008, Proceeedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science links